OK, like a lot of adults I resisted reading the Twilight series for a long time. Why? I don't know. I guess I thought I was a little above the idea of vampires. I usually read novels from which I can really learn something, at least a little something. I tell myself I don't have time, as a librarian, to read fluffy, escapist novels. Yeah. That was BMLTO: Before midlife Twilight Obsession. Now it's after.
I made the mistake of reading Twilight after seeing the movie. And I have to admit, I liked it OK and the movie too, but I really didn't see the magic. I could understand why all the teenage girls liked these novels, and while I respected the writing, I was not obsessed. Then this fall I decided I'd read New Moon - you know, just to see if there was anything too adult in it for my 12 year old to see the movie. Well, that was the beginning of my obsession.
The story in New Moon grabbed me right away. Unlike some, I DO remember what it was like to be a teenager to some extent. I remember my first loves and that desperate feeling you run around with almost all the time. Bella is the epitome of that life. When Edward leaves, I could still feel that awful, pit of my stomach helplessness that Bella curls herself around in the woods. I also could relate to the desperation of the best friend in Jacob. And the whole werewolf thing gave the story another dimension that was simply irresistible.
So, I finished New Moon, and could not wait five minutes to start Eclipse (my personal favorite, I think). I liked this one better because Edward was in the entire thing. No neurotic, self-sacrificing he-man gestures this time. And let's face it. The real reason so many middle-aged moms have fallen in love with these books after their daughters can be encapsulated in one word: Edward.
Being a sometimes writer myself, I have spent many a splendid hour analyzing these characters to myself and why they are so identifiable and interesting. I've come up with several brilliant theories. :) Theory uno: Edward is the perfect man. OK, OK, I know he's a vampire and all, a "monster," but let's talk about this. He's gorgeous and forever 17. Lots of pluses there. He's incredibly fast and ridiculously strong. If a man could pick you up in one sweep and race you up a mountain without getting winded, wouldn't it be nicer than feeling like you're an aging rock who can't even budge from the computer chair? He also is very old-fashioned. He doesn't want to hurt Bella, therefore, he controls his urges, giving her and himself only what they truly need: to be together and express love. This, notice, does not involve any real action until they are married. He simply is overjoyed to lie beside her and watch her sleep. Other good perks are: Edward doesn't eat, i.e. no meals to cook; Edward doesn't sleep, so he has all the time in the world to better himself and become more educated; Edward is immortal, therefore there is no need to worry about him dying of cancer or getting in a car wreck. But most of all, it is his loyalty and unfaltering belief that he is always at fault when something goes wrong in their relationship. He would protect Bella from anything and insists that SHE is the totally unselfish one in their relationship. What more could a woman possibly want, warm blood and skin aside.
I have also pondered why this story has so mesmerized an entire nation. How could these four teen books so inflame a passion and obsession in so many readers across so many age and social categories? Well, I have my theories. But I'll let you post yours first!
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